Ten Steps to Build the Best Wellness Planner Ever

Ten Steps to Build the Best Wellness Planner Ever - Jane's Agenda®

Crafting Your Ultimate Wellness Planner: A Comprehensive 10-Step Guide

Creating the ultimate wellness planner is an empowering step towards a holistic approach to health. It's not just about setting goals; it's about crafting a personalized tool that inspires, motivates, and supports your journey. This enhanced guide offers a detailed roadmap to build a wellness planner that becomes an indispensable part of your daily routine, enriched with practical examples, templates, and strategies for overcoming common challenges.

Step 1: Select the Right Size and Material

The foundation of your ultimate wellness planner begins with selecting the perfect size and material. For those constantly on the move, seeking a balance between functionality and convenience, mini or junior size discbound planners are the ideal choice. Here's why:

Opt for Mini or Junior Size Discbound Planners

  • Why It Matters: The size and material of your planner impact its portability, durability, and usability. A planner that fits your lifestyle encourages consistent use.

  • Practical Advice: Mini or junior size discbound planners are perfect for on-the-go lifestyles, offering a balance between functionality and convenience. 

Choose Your Material Wisely

When it comes to the pages inside your planner, opt for thick, high-quality paper that can handle ink without bleeding through. This is especially important for those who prefer using pens or markers for color-coding and decorating their planners. Some wellness planners also feature waterproof or water-resistant pages, making them even more durable and suited to on-the-go lifestyles.

Step 2: Opt for a Cover that Inspires

Purpose: A personalized cover sets the tone for your wellness journey, reminding you of your goals and motivations each time you see it.

Example: Customize your cover with images or quotes that resonate with your wellness vision. This could be a serene landscape for calm, a vibrant abstract design for energy, or a personal mantra that motivates you.

Step 3: Ensure It Has a Flexible Layout

Importance: Your wellness needs will evolve, and your planner should adapt to these changes. A flexible layout allows for customization and growth. Here are key features to look for to ensure your planner can accommodate all your planning needs:

Customizable Sections

Opt for a planner that allows you to customize and rearrange sections according to your priorities. This flexibility means you can have your fitness goals, meal plans, and mindfulness practices all in sections that you can move as your focus shifts throughout the year.

Blank and Dot Grid Pages

Include blank pages or pages with a dot grid for free-form journaling, sketching, or tracking that doesn't fit into traditional lines. These spaces can be invaluable for expressing thoughts, brainstorming wellness strategies, or creating custom trackers and logs that perfectly suit your needs.

Detachable Pages

A planner with detachable pages enables you to remove completed tasks, outdated information, or non-relevant sections, keeping your planner streamlined and focused on current goals. This feature also allows for the easy insertion of new pages or sections as your wellness journey evolves.

Adjustable Calendar Options

A planner that includes undated monthly and weekly sections gives you the flexibility to start your wellness journey at any time of the year without wasting pages. This feature also allows for pauses in your planning without the guilt of skipping pages, ensuring you can pick up right where you left off.

Specialized Wellness Sections

Ensure your planner has dedicated sections for different wellness aspects, such as physical health, mental and emotional well-being, nutrition, and personal growth. These sections should offer the right mix of structured prompts for specific tracking (like water intake, sleep hours, exercise routines) and open spaces for personalized notes and reflections.

Step 4: Incorporate Habit Trackers

Role: Habit trackers provide a visual representation of your progress, reinforcing good habits and identifying areas for improvement. Here are ways to optimize your habit tracker for comprehensive wellness monitoring:

Physical Health Tracking

  • Exercise Routines: Create checkboxes for different types of workouts (e.g., cardio, strength, flexibility) and track frequency and duration.
  • Hydration: Use a daily water intake tracker, marking off glasses or liters consumed to ensure adequate hydration.
  • Sleep Patterns: Monitor sleep hours and quality, noting times you go to bed and wake up, to identify patterns affecting your rest.
  • Nutritional Intake: Keep a simple log of fruit and vegetable consumption, meal balance (proteins, carbs, fats), or specific dietary goals (e.g., sugar-free days).

Mental and Emotional Well-being

  • Mood Tracker: Use color codes or emojis to log daily moods, helping to identify trends and triggers affecting your emotional state.
  • Gratitude Entries: Dedicate a section for daily or weekly gratitude, noting small wins or moments of joy, enhancing positivity.
  • Stress Levels: Track stress triggers and levels, along with effective coping mechanisms used, to better manage stress over time.

Spiritual and Mindfulness Practices

  • Meditation and Reflection: Log meditation sessions, including duration and focus, or reflect on daily mindfulness moments.
  • Spiritual Activities: Track engagement in activities that nourish your spirit, whether it's reading inspirational literature, prayer, or spending time in nature.

Personal Growth and Development

  • Learning and Hobbies: Track time spent on new skills, courses, or hobbies, noting progress and milestones.
  • Creative Endeavors: Keep a log of creative activities (writing, drawing, music) and how they contribute to your personal well-being.
  • Productivity and Organization: Monitor your efficiency in managing tasks and time, including successful completion of planned activities or projects.

Customization and Flexibility

  • Personalized Health Indicators: Include any specific health metrics you're monitoring, such as blood pressure, glucose levels, or symptom tracking for chronic conditions.
  • Adaptable Layouts: Use a mix of weekly and monthly trackers to suit different goals. Monthly trackers are great for overarching habits, while weekly trackers can focus on more detailed or changing objectives.
  • Visual Aids: Employ charts, graphs, or pictograms for a quick visual reference of your progress. For instance, a graph to show improvements in running distance or a chart to depict sleep quality over time.

Reflective Notes

  • Space for Notes: Reserve space beside or below your trackers for notes or reflections on what worked, challenges faced, and how you might adjust your habits for better outcomes. These insights are invaluable for personal growth and making meaningful changes.

By diversifying the ways you track your wellness habits, your planner becomes a comprehensive tool that not only records your activities but also provides insights into your overall well-being. This holistic approach to habit tracking ensures that you're not just going through the motions but actively engaging with and reflecting on your wellness journey, paving the way for sustained health and happiness.

See our habit trackers here.

Step 5: Add Pockets and Folders

Utility: Built-in storage keeps your wellness materials organized and accessible, ensuring everything you need is within reach.

Storage Ideas: Use pockets for storing fitness class schedules, recipe ideas, or motivational cards, keeping all wellness-related materials in one place.

Step 6: Include Inspirational Elements

Boost Motivation: Inspirational quotes, affirmations, and vision boards provide daily motivation and align your mindset with your wellness goals. Here's how to infuse your planner with elements that uplift and inspire:

Motivational Quotes

  • Daily Quotes: Begin each day with a motivational quote. Choose quotes that resonate with your wellness goals and aspirations. These can serve as daily reminders of your strength and potential.
  • Themed Quotes: Incorporate quotes related to specific themes or areas of focus each month, such as gratitude, resilience, or fitness. This helps align your mindset with your monthly goals.


  • Personal Affirmations: Create a section for personal affirmations that speak to your core beliefs and aspirations. Reciting these affirmations can help reinforce positive self-talk and boost confidence.
  • Weekly Affirmations: Dedicate a space for weekly affirmations, focusing on areas you're working to improve or challenges you're facing. This practice can help shift your perspective and overcome obstacles.

Vision Boards

  • Mini Vision Boards: Utilize pages in your planner for mini vision boards. These can be thematic, focusing on different aspects of wellness, such as fitness achievements, mental health goals, or personal growth milestones. Use images, stickers, and words that inspire and represent your desired outcomes.
  • Digital Vision Boards: For those who prefer a digital approach, create a digital vision board and print it to include in your planner. This allows for easy updates and customization.

Wellness Tips and Reminders

  • Seasonal Wellness Tips: Offer seasonal tips for staying healthy and motivated throughout the year. This could include reminders about hydration during summer, staying active in winter, or mindfulness practices during stressful times.
  • Healthy Habit Prompts: Include prompts or challenges that encourage the adoption of healthy habits, such as "Take a 10-minute walk today" or "List three things you're grateful for this week."

Creative Space

  • Doodle or Coloring Sections: Integrate spaces for doodling or coloring. These activities can be meditative and provide a creative outlet that enhances mental well-being.
  • Blank Pages for Journaling: Leave blank pages for free-form journaling or creative expression. These pages can be used for reflecting on progress, jotting down thoughts, or visualizing future achievements.

Celebratory Milestones

  • Milestone Markers: Create sections to acknowledge milestones and achievements. Celebrating progress, no matter how small, can boost morale and motivation to continue pursuing your wellness goals.
  • Success Stories: Include a section to write down your success stories or positive feedback received from others. Revisiting these moments can serve as a powerful reminder of your capabilities and growth.

Incorporating these inspirational elements into your wellness planner not only enriches your planning experience but also strengthens your commitment to personal wellness. By surrounding yourself with positive affirmations, motivational quotes, and spaces for creative expression, you create an environment that nurtures growth, resilience, and a positive mindset on your journey to achieving holistic well-being.

Step 7: Use Stickers and Color Coding

Engagement: Stickers and colors make planning engaging and visually appealing, helping categorize goals and highlight achievements.

Incorporate stickers and a color-coding system to make planning more engaging and visually appealing.

Example: Designate colors for different activities (e.g., blue for hydration, green for exercise) and use stickers to mark milestones or special notes.

Read our Blog on Color Coding Here.

Step 8: Embed Reflection and Goal Revision Pages

Growth: Regular reflection and goal revision ensure your planner evolves with you, keeping your wellness journey aligned with your current needs. Here are detailed ways to enrich this aspect of your planner:

Monthly Reflection Pages

  • Achievements and Challenges: Dedicate sections to jot down what you've achieved and the challenges you've faced each month. This helps in recognizing your strengths and areas for improvement.
  • Mood Overview: Include a mood tracker or a section to summarize your overall mood for the month, identifying patterns or triggers that affected your well-being.
  • Gratitude Log: Maintain a monthly gratitude log on your reflection pages, noting the moments, people, and experiences you were thankful for. This can enhance positive thinking and resilience.

Quarterly Goal Review

  • Goal Progress Assessment: Every three months, provide a structured template to evaluate the progress towards your goals. This could include a checklist of objectives met, partial successes, and areas where goals were not achieved.
  • Adjust Goals and Strategies: Offer prompts to reflect on whether your current goals still align with your wellness vision. Encourage adjustments to strategies or setting new goals based on learnings from the past quarter.
  • Visual Progress Indicators: Use graphs, charts, or visual scales to represent progress on key goals. Visual representations can make it easier to gauge progress at a glance and feel motivated by tangible signs of improvement.

Year-End Reflection

  • Annual Review: Create a comprehensive section for an annual review, summarizing achievements, setbacks, and growth areas. Reflect on how your wellness journey has evolved over the year.
  • Lessons Learned: Encourage detailed notes on lessons learned, insights gained, and how challenges were navigated. This can provide valuable wisdom for future planning and personal growth.
  • Future Planning: Use the insights from the year-end reflection to start planning for the upcoming year. Include prompts to dream big and set new goals that inspire continued growth and wellness.

Reflection Prompts

  • Guided Questions: Integrate guided reflection prompts to encourage deeper introspection. Questions might include, "What wellness habit had the biggest impact on my life this month?" or "How did I handle stress differently this time?"
  • Space for Free Reflection: Alongside structured prompts, provide blank spaces for free reflection. This allows for personal thoughts, feelings, and spontaneous insights to be captured.

Goal Revision Templates

  • SMART Goal Adjustments: Include templates for revising goals using the SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) criteria. This ensures that updated goals are clear, realistic, and aligned with your wellness vision.
  • Priority Matrix: Offer a priority matrix to help categorize goals into urgent, important, less important, and not urgent. This can aid in focusing efforts on what truly matters for your well-being.

By expanding the reflection and goal revision sections of your wellness planner, you create a dynamic tool that not only tracks your journey but also acts as a mirror reflecting your growth, challenges, and achievements. This process of continual assessment and adjustment is key to maintaining a wellness plan that is both effective and fulfilling, guiding you towards your best self.

See our favorite Goal Tracking Planner Inserts Here.

Step 9: Integrate Mindfulness and Self-Care Prompts

Inner Well-being: Mindfulness and self-care prompts remind you to pause and care for your mental and emotional health. Here are some ideas for incorporating these essential elements into your planner:

Mindfulness Prompts

  • Daily Intention Setting: Begin each day with a prompt to set a personal intention. This could be a word or phrase that guides your actions and mindset throughout the day, encouraging mindfulness in your daily activities.
  • Breathing Exercise Reminders: Include simple breathing exercise instructions or prompts that encourage taking short breaks to focus on deep, calming breaths. This can be especially useful for stress management and centering yourself in the present moment.
  • Sensory Check-ins: Create prompts that encourage sensory check-ins, asking you to note one thing you can see, hear, touch, taste, and smell. This practice can ground you in the here and now, enhancing mindfulness.

Self-Care Prompts

  • Self-Care Activity Ideas: Offer a list of self-care activities or a blank space for individuals to write their own. Encourage marking one activity to try each week, such as taking a long bath, reading for pleasure, or spending time in nature.
  • Gratitude Reflections: Incorporate daily or weekly prompts for writing down things you're grateful for. Gratitude practices can shift focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, promoting a positive mindset.
  • Emotional Check-ins: Include prompts for regular emotional check-ins, asking questions like "How am I feeling today?" or "What's weighing on my mind?" This encourages acknowledging and processing emotions in a healthy way.

Integration Ideas

  • QR Codes for Guided Meditations: Use QR codes that link to short, guided meditation or mindfulness exercises. Placing these throughout the planner can offer an easy way to access mindfulness practices.
  • Self-Care Checklists: Create checklists for daily, weekly, or monthly self-care activities, encouraging a regular self-care routine. Checklists can include reminders to drink water, connect with loved ones, or engage in physical activity.
  • Creative Space for Mindfulness Art: Dedicate spaces for mindfulness coloring or doodling. This creative outlet can serve as a form of meditation, helping to focus the mind and relieve stress.

By incorporating these mindfulness and self-care prompts into your wellness planner, you embed essential practices for mental and emotional health into your daily planning process. These prompts not only encourage regular self-reflection and care but also ensure that your wellness journey encompasses a balanced focus on both physical and inner well-being.

Step 10: Make It a Daily Habit

Consistency: Integrating your planner into your daily routine emphasizes health as a priority and ensures your wellness goals are always in focus. Here are strategies to seamlessly incorporate your wellness planner into your everyday schedule:

Schedule Planner Time in Your Regular Planner

  • Dedicated Daily Check-ins: Reserve a specific time slot in your regular planner or digital calendar for engaging with your wellness planner. This could be in the morning, to set intentions and review daily wellness tasks, or in the evening, for reflection and planning for the next day. Consistency is key, so try to stick to the same time each day.
  • Weekly Planning Sessions: Beyond daily check-ins, schedule a longer weekly session to review your progress, set goals for the coming week, and adjust plans as necessary. This can also be a time for a deeper reflection on your mental and emotional well-being.

Establish Rituals Around Planner Use

  • Morning Rituals: Start your day with a wellness planner ritual. Alongside your morning coffee or tea, spend a few moments reviewing your wellness goals and affirmations for the day. This sets a positive tone and intention for the day ahead.
  • Evening Wind-Down: Use your planner in the evening as part of your wind-down routine. Reflect on your achievements and challenges of the day, jot down gratitude notes, and plan self-care activities for the next day. This can help in transitioning to a restful state of mind before bed.

Integrate Planner Prompts into Daily Life

  • Mindfulness and Self-Care Prompts: Use your wellness planner to remind you to engage in mindfulness practices and self-care activities. Schedule these prompts at times when you typically need a break or a boost. For example, a midday reminder for a brief meditation or an evening prompt for journaling or reading.
  • Physical Health Reminders: Set reminders for physical health activities, like hydration alerts, workout times, or meal planning. Seeing these prompts in your planner can help integrate them naturally into your daily routine.

Make It Social

  • Accountability Partners: Share your wellness planning routine with a friend or family member who has similar goals. Schedule regular check-ins to discuss your progress, challenges, and insights. This not only provides accountability but also adds a social element to your wellness journey.
  • Join a Community: Engage with online or local communities focused on wellness planning. Participating in challenges, sharing tips, and celebrating achievements with others can keep you motivated and inspired.

Embrace Flexibility

  • Adjust as Needed: Life is unpredictable, and flexibility is crucial. If you miss a scheduled planner check-in, simply reschedule it. The key is to maintain regular engagement without it becoming a source of stress. Your wellness planner should be a tool that supports your well-being, adaptable to your needs and circumstances.

By scheduling time to use your wellness planner and integrating it into your regular planning routine, you're making a clear statement that health is a priority. This deliberate practice not only ensures that your wellness goals are front and center but also cultivates a habit of daily mindfulness and self-care, laying the foundation for a healthier, more balanced life.


Building the best wellness planner ever is a journey of personalization, reflection, and commitment. By following these ten steps, you craft a tool that not only tracks your wellness journey but also inspires growth, resilience, and a balanced approach to health. Remember, the effectiveness of a wellness planner lies in its consistent use and its ability to reflect and adapt to your evolving wellness goals. Embrace this process, and let your wellness planner guide you towards a healthier, more fulfilled life.

About Jane's Agenda

Founded in 2013, Jane's Agenda is a planner brand dedicated to helping people become more organized and efficient through the use of paper planners.

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